Sunday, March 17, 2019

Hey Hey everyone,
So I have decided to do a little poetry to end the training week. I hope you all like it.

Speaking, reading, listening and writing
It feels like time is speeding past like lightening.
Long days that turn light into dark, getting to know everyone,
Hablo Español and just like that the week is nearly done.
Arriving as strangers, leaving as ‘Familia’... Has it only been 5 days?
I can’t wait to be in Spain feeling the Sun’s rays!!
So much information has been absorbed, digested and consumed
I hope this helps us to be illustrated and illumed.
Now we are almost on our way, excitement, apprehension, nervousness and of course a thirst for knowledge awaits,
…................ Let's not be late!!
But please remember and don’t forget “Hola Cheeky, fantasía una rodilla arriba”
Can be used to help each other in times of trouble and regret.