Friday, March 22, 2019


I am so relieved to have taught my first lesson!

It was an 8:00 AM class with about 35ish 15-year-old students!

Marta, the English teacher, was awesome - I was able to teach the class exactly how I wanted to and when it came to telling the students to sit down or be quiet she was there to support me!

Oh, and I feel great because there was one student too cool to participate in our activities so while they were doing the activities amongst themselves I told him that I’d like him to help me demonstrate when everyone’s finished. At first he said ”no no no” to which I responded ”yes yes yes” hahahahha!

Funny thing is, he actually participated in the activity afterwards and he also did what I asked!

Simple joy!

1 comment:

  1. Great first lesson Kiel and wonderful you managed to include the excluded ! X
